- Pink Variegated Lemon originated as a sport of a Eureka Lemon tree, the variegation is a natural mutation.
- The Variegated Pink Lemon tree makes an excellent landscape tree and is prized for its interesting variegated foliage.
- This lemon tree has distinctive green and yellow variegated foliage.
- Variegated Pink Lemons have pink flesh, clear juice, and acidic lemon flavor.
- The stunning new growth and flower buds are fuschia.
- Self-fertile
- Grown from rooted cuttings.
- Best for Zones 8-11/ Protect below 32 F
- For Zones 4-7, you can grow this tree in a pot and bring it indoors for the winter.
- Height at maturity: 8-10' in the ground/ 4'-8' in pots
- By law, we cannot ship citrus trees to Alabama, Texas, Arizona, or Florida.
Read: The Differences Between Rooted Cuttings and Grafted Citrus Trees
Lee nuestra guía aquí : Guia de cultivo para citricos
Get in the know about HLB(Huanglongbing / Citrus Greening Disease) and help save your community's citrus. Only source citrus trees from reputable growers.
SAVE ON SHIPPING: We can now ship potted fruit trees in MULTIPACK BOXES. Order as a 3-pack or 6-pack to save on the cost of shipping! This includes ALL PRIMO and ENTRY sized citrus, olive, fig and avocado trees as well as grape and passion vines.