SAVE ON SHIPPING: We can now ship potted fruit trees in MULTIPACK BOXES. Order as a 3-pack or 6-pack to save on the cost of shipping! This includes ALL PRIMO and ENTRY sized citrus, olive, fig, and avocado trees as well as grape and passion vines.
- Rootstock is grown as a single trunk whip with no branching and foliage removed before shipment.
- When grafting citrus trees, only use registered budwood that comes with source documentation, such as the budwood offered through the Citrus Clonal Protection Program
- Additional growing time may be required to reach sufficient caliper for your preferred method of grafting.
Protect your tree from sunburn, insects & rodents with PLANT GUARD tree paint & foliar spray.
Get in the know about HLB(Huanglongbing / Citrus Greening Disease) and help save your community's citrus. Only source citrus trees from reputable growers.