How to Grow a New Zealand Lemonade Lemon Tree

How to Grow a New Zealand Lemonade Lemon Tree

4 minute read

How to Grow a New Zealand Lemonade Lemon Tree.

The New Zealand Lemonade lemon, also known as the Lemonade fruit or Citrus limon 'New Zealand Lemonade,' is a unique citrus hybrid that originated in New Zealand. It's a cross between a lemon and a mandarin, resulting in a fruit that resembles a lemon but has a sweeter, less acidic taste.

Characterized by its thin, smooth skin and a pale yellow to yellow-green color when ripe, the New Zealand Lemonade lemon has a mild, sweet flavor compared to traditional lemons. Its pulp is juicy and has minimal seeds, making it popular for both eating fresh and using in various culinary applications. These lemons are versatile in the kitchen, used in salads, beverages, desserts, and as a flavoring agent in sauces or marinades. They offer a more subtle citrus tang compared to regular lemons, making them a favorite for those who prefer a milder citrus taste.

In terms of cultivation, New Zealand Lemonade lemons require similar growing conditions to other citrus fruits. They thrive in well-draining soil, plenty of sunlight, and warm temperatures. While they can tolerate cooler climates better than some other citrus varieties, they still require protection from frost. Overall, the New Zealand Lemonade lemon stands out for its unique flavor profile, combining the best of both lemons and sweeter citrus fruits, making it a delightful addition to various culinary experiences.


The fruit typically ripens in late winter to early spring, making it a valuable addition to your citrus garden during the cooler months. The specific ripening period can vary depending on your climate and growing conditions.

New Zealand lemonade lemon trees are well-suited for subtropical and mild temperate climates. They are generally less cold-hardy than traditional lemon trees, and they can still be sensitive to frost and cold temperatures. If you live in an area with harsh winters, consider growing your New Zealand lemonade lemon tree in a pot or container, so you can bring it indoors during the colder months.


To grow a New Zealand lemonade lemon tree in a pot, follow these tips:


1. Choose the Right Container: For a starter sized tree, select a well-draining container or pot with drainage holes to ensure excess water can escape. You can expect to repot a young citrus tree every 2-3 years until it reaches maturity.

Planting in the ground: For in-ground planting, plant the tree in a prepared area about 3x the diameter of the pot, and as deep as possible. That soil should be well-draining and loose, allowing for root growth. Plant your tree at the same depth as the pot, keeping the crown of the roots just above the soil line. Water thoroughly after planting.

2. Soil: Use a well-draining, high-quality potting mix designed for citrus or fruit trees. It's essential to provide good aeration and drainage to prevent root rot. Our customers have had great success with our DIY Primo Potting Mix for their container citrus trees. 


3. Location: Place the potted tree in a location with full sun exposure. Citrus trees require at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day to thrive.


4. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry. Adjust your watering schedule according to the climate and season, reducing watering during the dormant winter months.


5. Fertilization: Feed your New Zealand lemonade lemon tree with a balanced fertilizer according to the package instructions during the growing season (spring to summer). We recommend Romeo Fertilizer or G&B Organics for an organic option. (Read about traditional vs. organic fertilizers here)


6. Pruning: Prune the tree as needed in the early spring to maintain its shape and remove dead or diseased branches. (Read more about Pruning Citrus Trees here)


7. Protection from Frost: If you experience cold winters, bring the potted tree indoors when temperatures drop near freezing. Alternatively, you can use frost protection measures like frost cloth or insulation to protect the tree from frost damage if you only get short bursts of freezing temperatures.


By following these guidelines, you can successfully grow a New Zealand lemonade lemon tree in a pot, even in areas with less favorable climate conditions. Enjoy the sweet and refreshing fruit it produces.


See the New Zealand Lemonade Lemon Tree

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